Saturday, November 28, 2009

Using the buttermilk

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The buttermilk is used for many things. One main use is to have it with your lunch meal in order to increase your friendly bacteria. It is the main source for probiotics in SVA Ayurveda. Perfect health depends upon perfect digestion. Optimal digestion, in turn, depends on the proper quality and quantity of friendly flora in the digestive system. Vedic science calls healthy flora 'yoginis', the beneficial micro-organisms, absolutely essential for proper absorption, assimilation, and elimination. Therefore, we value this buttermilk in our diet. It can be used in baking and making ayurvedic pancakes, or, even in making dough. Best used for drinking during lunch meals.

2 Oz buttermilk
2 Oz spring water
1/2 roasted cumin seed powder
1/4 soma salt

Mix well and serve at lunch. Only sip small amounts throughout the meal.

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